Thursday, July 19, 2012

Re- entry :)

Now that I am wearing my reading glasses and sitting in front of my sister's laptop [My laptop's hard disk crashed :( ], i'm wondering how to start writing my blog. I always had this problem.. the usual starting problem. Once a friend of mine who knows how to read hand writing said the same about me. However, since I have written 3 lines already which have nothing to do with rest of my blog, I think I'm over that starting problem of mine.

Today is one of those days where you have terrible mood swings and half of the time you don't remember how you felt half and hour ago. My day started with a bad backache and so my bunking work today was justified (at least for me). So, after doing absolutely nothing from morning, I got ready to meet somebody in the evening. No.. its not a date!! This somebody is a girl who wanted my expert advice on planning her career and thus wanted to meet me ( I don't know what made her decide this). So we decided to meet in Cafe Coffee Day so that we can talk for hours without being interrupted.

After a clean ride on a slightly drizzling road, I reached the place. I talk to her about a whole lot of things with loads of passion which I  think made sense to her. After two hours of doing the same, I say my good bye and enter the next door crossword store to look at some books. Now I see different sections of books neatly piled up and I wonder where do I start from. So I move around aimlessly to check out the new arrivals. Next to that, is the Indian Fiction section and I decide against it. Now, don't get me wrong, I like Indian authors. Its just that I am left with a bad after-taste of many IIM/IIT-student-turned-writers and I don't feel like experimenting myself with another national best seller.

So I move to the next section which is on philosophy and young India. The very opposite section is Fiction. I go right there looking for Sophie Kinsella. I take the biggest and brightest colored book and start looking at it. This guy in blue jeans and red shirt who is concentrating on a huge book in the philosophy section gives me a look as if he expected something better form me. Just because I have my hair carelessly tied up, my eyes are heavily lined with kajal, I'm wearing a loose kurta and I am wearing my converse chappal, he must have expected me carrying a book which says, "The men who killed Gandhi" and not something which says, "I've got your number". He looks at me and my book and goes back to reading his huge book. I look around, lots of people are reading books sitting in those comfortable sofas. All seem to be reading something important, like something to do with the country or on ideologies or personalities. I look at my book and settle down on a small red cushion- thing, right at the place where I'm standing.

I start reading the book and read it for a long time without getting distracted or bothered about what is happening  around me. I read for nearly an hour till I get a call from a friend and I have to leave. Since I'm completely broke, I can't buy the book and have to reluctantly leave it. I promise myself to buy the book first thing next month and to visit different crossword stores to continue reading it, till the time I buy it.

On my way back, when I'm buying dinner, wondering what my mum had made for dinner at home and wishing I was home, I realized something that I have forgotten long time back. People expect you to be someway and it often turns out that it is not the way you prefer. But we do behave how people wants us to behave many a times and that usually leaves a uneasy feeling. If we keep on ignoring that feeling for a long time (since we do not have any substantial evidence of what is happening), we get used to it. And later you realize that somehow.. somehow you have turned into a different person than you preferred to be. I wondered if I had taken the best selling philosophy book and started reading it sitting on the comfortable sofa, would I have been able to read it as long as I read the other book.. Moreover, would I have enjoyed it? And I thought, that I was better off making my own choices and sticking to them instead of following what looked best for me according to others. In the language of  "The Fountainhead", I think we all have all the characters of the book in us. Its just that, we have to choose whom we want to bring out more.. Roark or Keating?


Pardon me for all the sudden gyaan. I wanted this to be a happy-go-lucky writing but somehow it has turned up the way it has turned up. We all think we only do what we want to do and not behave as others expect us to. . Or do we? ... Something to think about...

If you have managed to read till the end and are reading this line at this moment, thank you for your time. I hoped you didn't get bored. Have fun!!